About Us

About NeomTech

We are a new generation of tech company we have our core values encoded in our DNA

NeomTech has a think tank pool of hi-tech professionals having decades of experience dedicated just to think, plan & build “Ready Made Variety of Turnkey Solutions Tailored Fit to Our Customer Needs”. Our solutions are designed in a manner deserving nothing less than “Excellent” which means “The most Competent yet Competitive Solutions under ONE Umbrella”.


Through innovative approach and solutions, we will contribute to bring revolution in Human’s life & Society.


To Bring Revolution in Society with innovative Technology & Solution.

Executive Manager's Statement

Hassan Abdul Latif

NeomTech honors core of its Vision Statement “INNOVATION” and always in seek of building innovative solutions for an Ultimate Success to its Customers & Associates!

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen.
Make your own future.”